General Notes

DMSO is toxic to cells at room temperature, freeze cells soon after they are resuspended in freezing media.


Freezing Media (90% Growth Medium, 10% DMSO)
0.25% Trypsin-EDTA
Sterile Filters
-80°C Freezer
Liquid Nitrogen Storage


  1. Prepare 0.25% trypsin-EDTA (detachment enzyme) by warming it in the 37°C water bath.
  2. Check your cells under the microscope. Take pictures and write down your observations. Introduce your flask to the biosafety cabinet.
  3. Save some of the current culture media in the flask for trypsin inactivation/detachment enzyme dilution (later step) by pipetting out the current media into 15 or 50 ml conical tubes.
  4. Aspirate the rest of the current culture media from each flask.
  5. Add sterile DPBS to the sidewall of each flask to rinse out residual culture media. Swish DPBS gently so that the bottom surface is completely covered.
  6. Aspirate the DPBS and add 0.25% trypsin-EDTA to the sidewall of the flasks. Swish the trypsin gently so that the bottom surface is completely covered.
  7. Incubate the flasks at 37°C for 4-10 minutes.
  8. Check each flask for complete cell detachment with the light microscope, viewing several areas of the flask to be sure.
  9. Dilute/neutralize the detachment enzymes with the old media you saved (step 3).
  10. Make sure that the cell suspension is homogenous/well-mixed (triturate or pipet up and down 5-10x), then load a hemocytometer for cell counting
  11. Centrifuge/Spin the cells down at 300 x g for 5 min, at RT. Count the cells while centrifuging.
  12. After centrifugation, aspirate out the supernatant.
  13. Resuspend your cell pellet in fresh, warmed BSC-GM such that the final concentration is roughly 1.1 million cells/ml.
  14. Label cryovials with the cell type, passage number, your team name/initials, the date, and “1 million cells.”
  15. Add DMSO such that the final concentration of DMSO is 10%. Mix well.
  16. Quickly transfer 1 ml of cell suspension in the freezing medium to each cryovial.
  17. Transfer the vials to the isopropanol cooling container and place in -80°C.

This protocol was developed for BME 174: cultivated meat laboratory course at Tufts University. The course is administered by Professor David Kaplan's laboratory.